Most of our privacy screens require little to no digging, which is one of the reasons our ready-to-assemble kits are so popular. |
Although we strive to make our products as easy to install as possible, there are situations in which it can be challenging, most notably in hard ground.
If your ground is too hard, watering the ground in advance of installation can make it soft enough to drive the stakes or anchors in. You can even make it a fun family event by putting on swim suits and getting out the hose or the sprinkler!
For extremely hard ground, you can pre-dig your holes using a tulip bulb auger attachment on your drill. Although this is by far the easiest trick, we understand that not everyone has an attachment like this in their garage. Still, most people find it's worth the purchase. See a video here.
Tulip bulb augers are generally simple to purchase online or at your local hardware store. If you have time constraints, you can always try borrowing one from a neighbor. |
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If you need any assistance at all with your installation, our customer care team is happy to help. Give us a call or shoot us an email. |